We do not sell, loan or in anyway make available information supplied via the internet site to any other company or individuals. All online ordering is done using a secure environment that utilizes up to date encryption technology. Your statutory rights as a consumer are not affected by our terms and conditions.
The Bathquest website uses cookies, which are small text files that are stored on your computer or handheld device. It allows a website to remember things like preferences or what’s in your shopping cart. This is standard practice for all websites.
Cookies are essential for helping us deliver a high quality website and online shopping experience for our customers. For more information about cookies, including how we use them and how to disable them see below.
By using and browsing the Bathquest website, you consent to cookies being used in accordance with our policy. If you do not consent, you must disable cookies or refrain from using the site.
What are cookies used for…
We use two types of cookies on our websites
Session cookies that are deleted after each visit.
Third party cookies that are used by our approved business partners and payment gateway.
The main purposes for which cookies are used for is technical purposes essential to effective operation of the website, particularly in relation to on-line transactions.
What happens if I disable cookies..
If you disable cookies you may find that this impedes your shopping experience and the site may not operate properly if cookies are switched off. If you disable all cookies you will be unable to complete a purchase on this site.
You’ll find more information about cookies at or which gives details on how to delete/disable cookies from your computer. For information on how to do this on your mobile phone browser, please see your handset manual.